LīLā Magazine

The LīLā Magazine is for the global expressive arts community, where we tend to matters that truly resonate, exploring what we hold dear and delving deeper into the essence of our work. It's a space that unites us, offering each a voice, and celebrating our unique identities. Whether academic, educator, therapist, practitioner or simply curious, we welcome you to join us. Together, in the spirit of learning, we share experiences and knowledge, embracing a world without borders in the arts.

Expressive Arts Without Borders

Expressive Arts Without Borders is a volunteer-based project that was created in 2022 by World Arts Organization, to awaken global awareness to the power of the Expressive Arts to foster community and to create new and innovative bridges of communication. 

Worlds Arts Organization

World Arts Organization is a hub for global research and education in the philosophy, theories and practices that make Expressive Arts a viable and effective tool for cross-cultural awareness and change within us, between us and around us. It was founded in 2003 by Markus Scott-Alexander. 

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Subscribe to LīLā Magazine

The LīLā Magazine is for the global expressive arts community, where we tend to matters that truly resonate, exploring what we hold dear and delving deeper into the essence of our work. It's a space that unites us, celebrating our unique identities.


Expressive Arts Without Borders unites global expressive arts professionals and learners, fostering interdependence. Our goal: collaboratively innovate artistic responses, learning from shared experiences in the face of common challenges.